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VON: Evolution Events Inc

"VON: Evolution ... No Presentations, Just Conversations"
- Dean Bubley, Fall '23 VON: Evolution

Yinka Aina
Trainee Lawyer, Colt Technology Services
VON: Evolution London Salon
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
(as of 12-6-23)
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Breakfast with Jeff (Private)
VON: Evolution London at:
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street
Level 21
1:00 PM Welcome - Jeff Pulver - Founder,
1:10 PM State of Now - Jeff Pulver - Founder,
1:30 PM Plenary Session - The Implications of AI & Blockchain in Communications on the EU's Regulatory Climate:
Andy Abramson - CEO, Comunicano
Dean Bubley - Director, Disruptive Analysis Ltd.
Alan Duric - Co-Founder/COO/CTO, Wire
Stefan Lindstrom - Ambassador - Digitalization & New Technologies, Finland
Amadine Le Pape - Co-Founder & COO, Element
Matthew Hodgson - CEO/CTO, Element
2:10 PM State of WebRTC - Dan Jenkins - Founder, Commcon | Everycast Labs | Nimble Ape
2:25 PM The Evolution of Telco APIs - Mark Cornall - Technical Director, GSMA
2:40 PM Integrating Open-Source VoIP into Tier1 Mobile Carriers - Dean Elwood - CEO & Founder, Umony Limited
2:55 PM Ethic and Sustainable Conversational AI - Diego Gosmar - Open Voice Network (Linux Foundation) Ambassador, Chief Evangelist, XCALLY
3:10 PM Future of Conversational AI, How LLMs Will Morph the CPaaS Industry - Rob Pickering - Founder, Aplisay & Ali Bouhouch - Founder, The Good Data Factory
3:30 PM Using Blockchain in Telecom Operations - Gareth Williams - Technical Architect, GSMA & Eran Haggiag - Co-Founder, Clear Blockchain Technologies
3:45 PM Stretch Break
4:00 PM Telco Trends in Web3 & Bandwidth as an Asset Class - Suruchi Gupta - CEO, GIANT Protocol & Jens Herrmann - Senior Manager Corporate Stategy , Deutsche Telekom
4:20 PM Evolution of Unified Communications - Andrew Wood - Senior Strategy Leader Unified Communications, Vodafone
4:35 PM Bringing Back Trust in Communications Industry - Adam Macgill - Distinguished Engineer, BT Group
4:50 PM The Move of Telecoms Into the Public Cloud - Tref Davies - Chairman, Netaxis
5:10 PM Closing Remarks - Jeff Pulver
Jeff Pulver
6:00 PM - 8:00 Dinner with Jeff (private)
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